Camper Bus Time-Machine

The wild tale of Time Travel, History, and Music all while maximizing the coolness factor!

A fast-paced romp through American history in a mysterious and fantastic Camper Bus! In this adventurous and beautifully illustrated tale, Gordy, Blake, Avery, and Zoey (a Multipoo puppy) discover an old 1978 camper bus stashed in a barn. A note invites them to turn on the radio for the adventure of a lifetime, where they quickly realize this is no ordinary bus! The trio (plus Zoey) set off on a gripping and suspenseful adventure through pivotal events in American History and discover that God's provision is indeed the source of American greatness. Just when they are getting the hang of "time jumping", they encounter the maker of the machine, an android with artificial intelligence and a very familiar appearance! This exciting and stunningly illustrated adventure provides a birds-eye view of American history from a fun and way-out perspective. An incredible story about God, America, Time Travel, Space Exploration, and Artificial Intelligence (AI).

The Great Puppy Playtime Plan

Two cats decide to orchestrate a clandestine meeting of all the neighborhood dogs.

This heartwarming story of two not-so-ordinary cats is a delightful and hilarious tale instigated by two best friends (Yeti and Yoda) on the neighborhood dogs. In this beautifully illustrated and caring story told by Yeti, the two cats decide that the neighborhood dogs are lonely because they only get walked by themselves and never get to hang out as a pack. Inspired to do the right thing by loving their neighbors, the two cats decide to orchestrate a clandestine meeting of all the dogs and their owners in the neighborhood cul-de-sac. This happy, Puppy Playtime occasion becomes a daily neighborhood event for all!

Grandma Gets a Puppy

The delightful story of how a gardening grandma and a lovable puppy become a perfect match.

This heartwarming and beautifully illustrated children's book is a story of a grandma and her loving grandson's desire to help her with her beloved garden. Grandma Gets a Puppy is the tender story of happenstance where a grandmother and avid gardener (Ms. Jackie) is accidently brought together with a lovable, furry puppy named Zoey. A mix-up with a raffle ticket results in a match made in heaven between a furry puppy that loves to dig and grandma's need for help in the garden!

Children want to be helpful to their grandparents and they want to know that lovable puppies will find a loving home. This popular book, Grandma Gets a Puppy, conveys a message of love and acceptance through beautiful illustrations and whimsical happenstance. As a wonderful bedtime story, this book is sure to bring happiness and inspire the imagination, The book features beautiful illustrations and a compelling story that builds while making each page more delightful than the last.

Grandma gets a Puppy brings a smile to Childrens' faces as they hear the story of a happy mistake leading to a true match made in heaven!